
Showing posts from September, 2017

September Time Management - Reflection

Reflection: This month I have decided that I will use the song 'LU2' by Freedom to Glide and gained permission to use it from the owners of the song by emailing them. I have uploaded a copy of the email. I have also researched the common codes and conventions of music videos in general. This includes the type of music video, performance or narrative, and what hair, makeup and costume is most commonly worn. I have also written a pitch and researched the meanings of different colours within music videos.

Time Management

26/9/17   Aim: To research different colours and what they mean in music videos  Reflection: I have researched the colours red, pink, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple/violet, brown, black, white, silver and gold. I have also researched multicoloured and what that means in music videos. I have also found example of different music videos that use each colour for different effects. 

Colour in a music video

Colour in a music video from Kate Jenkins This is my research into what different colours mean in music videos. This research is more in depth and has helped me to make decisions about the colour scheme of my final products and which colours are best to use to attract both my primary and secondary target audience. 

Time Management

22/9/17   Aim: To email the owners of the song I would like to use for my music video and to get their permission to use it.  Reflection: I have emailed the owners of the song 'LU2' which are Freedom to Glide. They have given me permission to use their song for my music video. I have explained the meaning of the song and copied the lyrics onto my blog. 

The song

The song that I have chosen to use is 'LU2" by Freedom to Glide. This song is about a prisoner of war being held in a Japanese prisoner of war camp. This is a theme that hasn't been explored much so it will make my final products unique and stand out from the rest.  I have email the producer of the song and have permission to use it for my work.  The words of the song are:  "I watch the moonlight It scans the floor The pull of love The tug of war As red as anger The sun will rise We’ll hold our nerve beneath An unforgiving sky I wonder if you know I wonder if you’re still I wonder if I’ll fall Some have, more will." 

Music Video Compositions and Layout

Muic video compostions and layout [autosaved] 2 from Kate Jenkins This is a presentation explaining the different types of compositions and layouts that are used in existing music videos, magazine adverts, and digipaks. I have research ones from different types of genres to give me a better understanding of the way they are positioned. This will help me when making my final products as it will give me an idea of where to position the elements of each product and what meaning this will create. 

Time Management

8/917   Aim: To write a pitch to pitch my music video to the class.  Reflection: I have written a pitch for my music video  and included information on my music video and ancillary tasks (digi pak and magazine advert) and how each one will apply to the headings. Genre and target audience were the two headings that I had research most into at the moment. 

Camera angles, shot, movements and compositions

Camera angle, shots, composititons and movements [autosaved] [autosaved] real one from Kate Jenkins This is a presentation describing the different types of camera angles, shots, compositions and movements that are found in different music videos. Each one has a description and example. By doing this research it has allowed me to become more familiar with the different camera angles, shots, compositions and movements and begin to visualise where they could fit into my music video and how. This will help me to make decisions about my music video. 

Music Video Pitch

Feedback:  'The content of the pitch is good. It is very detailed and explains the intentions of the music video very well.' - Sophie  This is the pitch that I have presented to the class outlining the final decisions that I have made about my final products. These are the target audience, genre, colour scheme, the purpose of creating the products, the unique selling point of my products and what my target audiences reasons for watching it are. 

Time Management

7/9/17   Aim: To complete the inspirations for my music video including Camera Work, Colour, Costume, Hair and Make-up.  Reflection: I have created Pinterest boards for each of the inspirations. I have also created a Pinterest board for my A2 media and for my music video ideas. These boards feature a collection of pictures that I have used as inspiration for my music video. 



This is a mood board for the different styles of make-up that I could use in my music video. At the moment I like the natural look most as it is not to in your face but is still bold. This style is timeless and can be used in any era that I decide to use for my music video. This will appeal to my target audience as they will feel that they will better be able to connect with the character as they are not hidden behind loads of make-up. 

A2 Media Pinterest Board

This is a mood board to give me some inspiration and ideas on what to include in my music video. This will help me to look at lots of different possibilities, how I could make each of them work and if they are realistic. This will give me an insight into lots of different things before I make my final decisions about my final products. 

Music Video Hair

This is a mood board of different types of hair styles that can be used in a music video. These range to all types of genres of music videos and all types of people. At the moment I like the messy hair look for both men and women. This hair style can be easily adapted to any story/scenario and can create different meanings. This will also help to create a sense of character so the audience feel that they can get to know the people in the music video. This is helping e to begin to make decisions about what I will include in my final product. 

Music Video Clothes

This is a mood board for the different types of clothes that I could use in my music video. At the moment I particularly like the simple look of just a t-shirt and a pair of trousers. I think that this look could be easily adapted to anything and is more of a subtle look. This will appeal to both my primary and secondary target audience as it is a timeless look. This is helping me to begin to make decisions about what I will include in my final products. 

Music Video Ideas

This is a mood board for my ideas for my music video. I have a range of different ideas from modern themes to historical themes. At the moment I like the World War II theme best as I feel that is a theme that hasn't been explored very often. This will make my music video unique and appeal to my primary and secondary target audience. 


This is a statement about colour as a whole in music videos. After completeing research about the different effects that it can create it has helped me to begin to make decisions about my music video. Colour is a very important part of any music video and could be the difference between my target audience liking and not liking my music video. 

Camera Work

This is an analysis of camera angles and shots as a whole. I have researched into the different effects and feelings that they create in a music video. This has helped me begin to decide what types of camera angles and shots that I will use in my music videos to make it appeal to both my primary and secondary target audience. 

Lighting Techniques

Lightitng techniques real 1 from Kate Jenkins This is a presentation about different lighting techniques that are used in different types of music videos. This research has allowed me to see what the audience look for and how the different techniques make the audience feel different things and create different moods and atmospheres. I have started to thin about different lighting techniques that I would like to use in my music video. 


Lighting is a major part of any music video as without it the audience wouldn't be able to see what is going on. There is a range of different lighting which can create different mods and effects through the music video. Directors use this as a way of portraying a particular meaning in a song. For example if the lighting was little and dull then is would create a sad feeling which would highlight what the song is about.  The song 'Mama' by Jonas Blue is a good example of how different light is used in a music video. This video uses mostly natural light as the background is almost all is landscapes. The different lights show the different times of day and also creates different moods. When the light is bright it makes people feel happy but when they light gets darker it creates a more calm mood.  This research has helped me to begin to make decisions about my music video, magazine advert a...

Time Management

5/9/17   Aim: To complete research on the common codes and conventions of music videos and how they apply to different music videos. To start to develop my inspirations research so that it applies to music videos. To complete research on the history of music videos.  Reflection: I have completed and uploaded my research to my blog. I have written about many different common codes and conventions and have included a detailed explantation of these in the research on my blog. I have developed my research on lighting for my inspirations. I have also completed and uploaded my research on the history of music videos and included many decades. 

Codes and Conventions of Music Video

This is my research into the different codes and conventions of music videos as a whole. There are many different aspects to a music video and I have outlined and explained them all in these images. This has allowed me to find the different meanings in music videos and begin to look at how I will apply these to my music video in order to best target my primary and secondary target audience. This has helped me to begin to make proper decisions about my music video. 

History of Music Videos

  History of music videos from Kate Jenkins This is a presentation on the history of music videos. By researching this it has given me a better understanding of where music videos came from and why they are made. This will help me when I am making my music video as I will have a better understanding of what music videos are and why they are made. It will also help me to understand the different things that audience are looking for. 

September Time Management - Aim

Aim: The aim this month is to research the types of lighting, costume, colour, hair, makeup and ideas. Also do research and decide who my target audience will be and what genre my music video will be.

September Time Plan

This is my time plan for the month of September. I will try and do something different on each day in order to compete all of the work. Some days I will have to do more than one thing in a day. I will upload these pieces of work as I complete them. This will help me to complete all of the work as I will have a goal to work towards.