
Showing posts from December, 2017

December Time Management - Reflection

Reflection: During this month I have begun to make my music video, magazine advert and digipak. I have come across a few issues with he font while doing this, as I have found that some of them have been deleted off of the website DaFont that I was getting my fonts from. I have uploaded the raw photographs from my original photoshoot so that you can see the transition between them and the final images on my magazine advert and digipak. 

Time Management

Aim: To upload my raw photographs from my photoshoot.  Reflection: I have uploaded the raw photos that I have taken from my photoshoot. These are the photos before they have been edited. 

Raw Photographs

These are the raw images that I took for my magazine advert and dig pak. I have chosen to centre these mostly around the old man to make it seem more realistic and to attract a wider audience. My secondary target audience is people aged 75+ and I feel that this will appeal more to them than a picture of a younger person. 

Time Management

Aim: To complete a list of resources that I will need when filming my music video and doing my photoshoot.  Reflection: I have completed a list of what resources I will need, where they will come from and how much they will cost, which is free as I own all of the equipment. I have also completed a list of contact details for each of the actors/models that will be in my music video. This list will be distributed to each of the crew so they can all contact each other and me. 


This is a list of the resources that I will need when filming my music video and doing my photoshoot. It clearly outlines what I will need, where it will come from and how much it will cost. There is also a list of contact details for each of the crew and what their job role. This will make it easier when I am liming my music video and doing my photoshoot as I will be able to make sure I have got everything and I will know exactly where it is coming from. 

Time Management

Aim: To fix the issues that I ave had with the fonts that I have chosen when it comes to making my final products.  Reflection: I have had some issues when it came to making my final products. When I came to adding the font the font that I have chosen has been taken off of the website that I was using, DaFont. I have decided that I will use a different font instead. The font looks similar so my final products will still follow the same theme. 

Font - Issues

When I first did my research I decided that I was going to use the font Atlantic Bentty for the magazine advert. When I came to starting to make my magazine advert I found that the font had been deleted off of the website DaFont, where I had originally found it. This meant that I had to find a new font for my magazine advert. After looking through the different fonts available on the website, I decided that I would like a font that looked similar to the original font. Therefore I have chosen the font 'Blacksword Font'. This font has the same sophisticated style and look to it as the previous font. 


December Time Management - Aim

Aim: This month I will begin to make my music video, magazine advert and digipak. I will also dry and complete a resourcing list for the crew and equipment for filming my music video and my photoshoot. 

December - Time Plan

This is my time plan for the month of December. During this month there was Christmas and New Year which meant that we had holidays where we we not in school. During this month I will beginw to create my final products.