
Showing posts from November, 2017

November Time Management - Reflection

Reflection: During this month I have made a lot of decisions about the different camera angles and shots that I will use in my music video. I have also made final decisions about the locations that I will use for my music video and the practical process as well as interviewed people from my target audience about the decisions I have previously made about my music video. I have also written the vision for my music video and began to make the first drafts of my magazine advert. 

Post Production



Planning Portfolio

Time Management

20/11/17 Aim: To construct the first draft of my magazine advert. Reflection: I have constructed the first draft of my magazine advert and have written a step by step guide as to how I did it. This includes  an outline the different tools that I used to create the different effects. It also splits up the picture and words in explain how I constructed the magazine advert.

Magazine Advert Construction - Draft

After looking at example of other magazine adverts I have decided that this style of magazine advert will best fit the genre of my music video. This advert incorporates both times of my music video helping my target audience to get a better understanding of what it is about. The pictures are layered and edited to get this effect.  Feedback:  'I like this magazine advert because it allows you to see both the man when he was old and the man when he was young. This helps you to understand what the music video is about."                                                                                                                     ...

Time Management

16/11/17 Aim: To complete the shot list outlining each different shot I will use in my music video. To complete a summary of ideas for my music video. To complete research into what each photoshop tool does.  Reflection: I have outlined the different shots that I will include in my music video. I have decided to use a range of different shots to give variation throughout my music video. This will make it more interesting and appeal more to my target audience. I have completed a summary of ideas for my music video. This included an outline of the story, t=an outline of my vision and details about the script. I have completed research into that each photoshop tool does and have begun to think about each ones I will use when creating my magazine advert and digipak. 

Photoshop Tools

Photoshop tools from Kate Jenkins This is a presentation outlining what tools are available to use in adobe photoshop. I will use many of these tools when creating my magazine advert and digipak. These will allow me to edit and enhance the pictures as well as moving and positioning them in the best places to make both products appealing to both my primary and secondary target audience. 

Shot List

Establishing Shot  Long Shot  Medium Shot  Close Up  Wide Shot  This is a list of all of the shots that I will use in my music video. The different shots will help to create different meanings within my music video and to convey the story. Some of these types of shots are conventions of a music video. They will make my music video look more professional and more interesting to watch. 

Summary of Ideas

Music Video: I have decided that my music video will be a narrative music video. In this the story will be about an old man looking back at his time in the World War II when he was a prisoner of war. The memories will be told from the old mans perspective and be like the ounce are experiencing it with him. This will make my music video unique and different and help to attract both my primary and secondary target audience.  Outline of my Vision: The vision of my music video is to make people aware of the prisoners of war during World War II. These people are often looked very and many of them are considered missing in action. Many of these people did escape and did make it back home. My music video tells the story of a man that did make it home alive after being a prisoner of war, from both the perspective of the war and of modern day. Detailed  Script: My music video does not need a script as the song will be the only audio...

Time Management

9/11/17   Aim: To complete the vision of my music video and the practical process  Reflection: I have competed the vision for my music video and the practical process. This includes the equipment list, prop list, crew list and locations list. 

Practical Process

Practical Process  Equipment List Camera – To film the music video on Tripod – To stop the camera from moving and shaking Charger – To charge the camera before I go to film Laptop – To edit my music video Picture – A prop Medals – A prop Prop List Picture – Of the old man when he was a prisoner of war Medals – That were earned by the old man during the war   Crew List Kate (me) – Filming and editing Luke – Prisoner of war Lionel – Old soldier Locations List House – For the scenes of modern day Woods – For the scenes of the prisoner of war

The vision of my music video

The vision of my music video The vision of my music video is to make people aware of the prisoners of war during World War II. These people are often looked very and many of them are considered missing in action. Many of these people did escape and did make it back home. My music video tells the story of a man that did make it home alive after being a prisoner of war, from both the perspective of the war and of modern day.

Time Management

9/11/17   Aim: To complete a time table to work out when I have time to do work during school time.  Reflection: I have completed a timetable to show when I have lessons and when I have free time to work on my music video, digipak and magazine advert. 


This is my timetable and when I can work on my music video, digipak and magazine advert. This best time to work is in media lessons because there is people there to help me, if I was to need it. I have a lot of free lessons which means that I can work a lot during school time. 

Time Management

7/11/17   Aim: To make a list of what it is I have to do by the end of the month and complete the location recce.  Reflection: I have completed a list of what I have to do and uploaded it to my blog. I have also completed a location recce for the woods. 

Location Recce 2


What I have to do


November Time Management - Aim

Aim: This month I aim to complete all of my research and planning and start to make my music video. This will be a long process as there are many different parts to it like location and actors. I have started the creative process and aim to finish this before the end of the month. 



November Time Plan

While completing this work I will also be completing Time Management.